Monday, May 21, 2018


An idea i had earlier in the year that just wouldn't go away. A mix of Inq28/Inquisimunda (narrative skirmish adaptations of an old GW game -Inquisitor) and Advanced Hero Quest (another -even older- GW game). The idea of narrative games of small war-bands of inquisitorial retinues, mutant cults, and the like boiled down in to a "dungeon-bash" style game, really appealed to me.

Necroquest was born.

I envision this game could be used to play....

Inquisitorial agents hunting down a vile chaos cult in the ruins beneath a long abandoned temple

Arbites taking down  a particular bothersome underhive gang

An alliance of concerned underhive gangs rooting out a genestealer cult in their terrotories

and whatever your imagination comes up with.

The idea would be for each player to have 1 hero and 2-3 henchmen each. The game would be a cooperative narrative with one player acting as the games-master. The games-master would play all the bad guys.

Necroquest - Im not fixed on the name, its just a convenient short hand that describes the idea of the game and its origins. im open to suggestions.



    This was our playtest of a 40k version of Advanced HeroQuest. The main changes were how magic works, to make psychic powers (and the wizard type character) more useful and accessible.

    1. someone pointed me at your blog when i was collecting stuff for necroquest. inspirational stuff.



Genestealer Cult enemy matrix for necroquest. Cultists, Militia, Hybrids, Purestrains.... and all that good clawed snappy alien goodness!...